Phone: (+373) 69 41 29 98 | e-mail: | Moldova | Chisinau | 72 Mihai Eminescu Street
SERMINDES performs and supervises projects without borders and regardless of time zones - we operate all over the world, including the implementation of the project. We develop projects in the following countries:
Romania: Bucharest, Brasov, Iasi, Targoviste, Barlad, Vaslui
Ukraine: Odessa
Russia: Moscow, Pervomaysk
Canada: Toronto
USA: Miami
United Kingdom: London
We are ready for work! Because You have Your own lifestyle and tastes that characterize You, we will help You define Your own project! Contact us for detailed consultancy.
Phone: (+373) 69 41 29 98 | e-mail: | Moldova | Chisinau | 72 Mihai Eminescu Street